Public and Private Schools have both pros and cons. However, when considering what was best for my children almost 3yrs ago, neither choice was favorable. As a result, I begin to thoroughly research the ins and outs of home school. Here is my story in short.
Facing Many Fears
Frustrated and disappointed with the school system, my husband and I faced the unknown. Our children were making good grades in school at the time but the social and mental challenges of peer pressure begin to take a toll on them. And that is when I knew that a change was needed. It was very scary at first because I was not confident that I could be a mom and their teacher. Additionally, it was horrifying when considering the fact that the success of their education was in my hands. Could I take on such a grand responsibility?
The First Step of Many
We started off home schooling our two older children first, which at the time just completed only half of their six grade year. And I admit they were not too thrilled about being home schooled. For one, they are teenage girls who viewed having a “social life” their number one priority. But as a mother I made the decision based solely on their best interest, nothing more nothing less.
Before withdrawing them from school, I had already registered with a Home School Association (it is required by law if you do not join an institution that facilitates home schooling) to ensure that they were being educated. The curriculum had been ordered and due to arrive in a day or two. In the meantime, I spent hours creating a schedule that would help me and the girls stay on task.
We finished the school year and by summer I was ready to quit! With all the paperwork and testing that I had to keep track of, home schooling became a burden. However, deep in my heart I knew that quitting could not be an option.
SCVCS Saved the Day
Spending most of the summer vacation searching for a better way, I came across a forum about South Carolina Virtual Charter Schools. Like every online forum that you read, I weighed every opinion. Researching further, I found a diamond in the rough! Of course I did not realize it at first but soon after, I did.
No Regrets!
Almost 3yrs later today, all but one child is enrolled in the SCVCS program. Schooling is far from easy but it works for our family. Understanding that home school is not the ideal fit for every family, it is an option for parents who find that brick and mortal schools are not meeting the needs of their children.
Our Children are excelling academically and I could not be more pleased with the way things are going for them. As a parent, I only want the BEST for my children and I am willing to sacrifice what is necessary to give them exactly what they need.
Image: Naypong /
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