Monday, December 5, 2011

Lessons Learned and Savings Gained!

Since I've become a mom/teacher as most mothers are, I'm always looking for ways to "kill two birds with one stone". For instance if we are riding in the car I may ask the kids "what type of clouds do you see in the sky, stratus clouds or cirrus clouds?" Or when shopping, we talk about comparing prices and how to get the best bang for our buck. Lately, I've notice that there has been a lot of strong attitudes "floating" around the house. And over the years I have learned that strife = stress, period. I immediately began to think about ways to attack this issue in a way that is beneficial for everyone. How did I do it?

I put my creative cap on and figured out one way to zap strife out of our lives; as I mentioned in the previous post on this blog, it is important to maintain a healthy atmosphere when home-schooling. As a result, the "Nickeling Strife" cup was created. I explained to everyone in the house that strife is no longer welcomed in our home, it is an enemy that must be defeated. The rules are as follows:

1. If you are caught being mean and disrespectful to each other, the offender must deposit 5 cents into the "Nickeling Strife" cup.  
2. If you are caught yelling, you must deposit 5 cents into the "Nickeling Strife" cup.

3. If you are having a "moment" where you are upset (which everyone has those moments) its okay  just as long as you do not take it out on anyone or you'll have to deposit 5 cents.
*Note: For our six and four year old, they will get  two warnings for their behavior first before they have to deposit 5 cents.
Also, my husband and I are setting the example by participating ourselves.

This lesson teaches them how to be responsible for their actions and will quicken them to think twice about their reactions in certain situations.

After we reach a certain amount, the family will use the money to..........add to savings. I thought about a small treat for everyone but I also want to continue to reiterate to our older children and show our younger children them that if they save money little by little it will grow.
Proverbs 13:11

Image: photostock /

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